Ready? Go!

Finally, at the airport, checked in until Singapore, but my luggage is already checke through until my final destination, Bangkok.
Some persuasion was needed to get the nice checkin agent to doing so, as she did not understand that I wanted my luggage checked onto a flught that departs tomorrow...she kept asking wheter I really would not need my lugage that night... no further comment.
Anyway, I've got my boardingpasses for the first two legs, and to my displeasure I am seated in 38D on the FRA-SIN leg. My information tells me that my chance is 4:1 to be seated in a row with limited/no seat recline. So I'll tryto change my seat to something different in Frankfurt, i've got more than enough time anyway.
In the meanwhile, I sit back and relax and wait for my boarding time here in Vienna.
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