To cut a long story short, of course I could not succeed on the waitlisted flight and therefore had to wait for the 3.30pm departure. I spent the time napping away in the small but cozy loung. I was more than 24hours on my feet already, and not having slept on the longhaul flight I was extremely tired.

But it was worth waiting for it, as there happened to be a Boeing 777 used on that particular rotation.

Now I have to confess, despite being highly interested in the Airbus A380 firstflight, my preferred airliner today is the 777. It is modern, it is comfortable, and it looks elegant. And of course it's also a success story for Boeing, having more than 1.000 pieces sold already.
Another nice side effekt of this intercontinental airliner is the luxury of the business class.
I really like Thai's colour design, the violet tones look very comforting, calming and inviting.
And as I was extremly tired, my back hurt and I was all tensed up, the ability to just stretch out and relax was the best thing that could happen.
Also food on board was great, with a good choice of wines, and to speed up my relaxation-process i indulged myself with some glasses of chamapgne....sat back....and fell sound asleep.

Too bad that the good things in life last just for short, but finally I arrived to Bangkok
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